Current Viewing Resistors



Series A, inline version (click for .pdf download)

Series L CVR's are inline versions of Series A that can be supplied with corresponding electrical specifications and connector options.


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Inline CVR's are particularly useful in circuits where insertion of the CVR between current source and load is necessary.  They are designed to minimize impedance mismatch when utilized in the 50-ohm systems.  Either end of the inline CVR may be used as the input.  However, as shown in the schematic, reversal of designated input and output will produce a polarity reversal of the monitored signal.  Note that in the orientation shown the CVR output signal is in phase with the input current.    Performance of the inline CVR is independent of its location in the source to the load cable.  If, however, the CVR is not used at the load, two precautions must be observed.  First, the transit time of the connecting cable will produce a delay between the CVR output and the current at the load.  This delay is normally about 1.5 nsec. per foot of cable.  Second, if voltage across the load is also monitored, inductance will in general produce a potential difference between the voltage divider and the CVR grounds.  The resulting current flow in the outer conductors of the oscilloscope signal cables may produce waveform distortions.  This distortion is seldom evident in the current waveform, but oscillations in the voltage waveform are probable.

Ordering Information

When ordering specific series, input and output connections, model and signal output connector.

Example: LR31MF-1-05-BNC; Series L; R31MF - Input and output connectors(Reynolds 31 male & female); 1-05-Model(Series A, A-1-05): BNC - Output signal connector.